Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday Sermons

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. We had several visitors come to our church. I had been told that would be the case, but since this was my first Easter with Cypress Lake Baptist Church I didn't know what to expect. If I had to guess (which I'm really bad at doing), I'd say we had 25 or more visitors yesterday. I had planned an Easter sermon that would (hopefully) articulate the gospel as clearly and boldly as possible. Unfortunately, it didn't get recorded. I considered posting my notes for you, but as of right now I decided not to do this. My hope and prayer is that if you were there to hear the message yesterday that God might take what was true and apply it to your heart.

You can listen to the PM service by clicking the link below:

Sunday PM - Blessed are the Peacemakers - Matthew 5:9

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday Sermons

This past Sunday I began a short series around the Kingship of Christ for Easter. You can hear the first two sermons here:

The King Received (Sunday AM)

The Rejected (Sunday PM)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday Sermons

This past week we continued to work through the Gospel of Luke together. You can listen or download the two Sunday sermons below.

The Compassionate Savior - Luke 7:11-17

Jesus the Messiah - Luke 7:18-23

Monday, April 11, 2011

Place to Pray

In June 2010, Justin Childers posted about his prayer bench. I remember reading his post and realizing that having a specific place would be great for me. I want to pray more. I want to be a follower of Christ who knows that apart from Christ I am nothing. I want this to be displayed in my prayer life, thus displaying my reliance upon Him. I also want to be a pastor who leads by following Christ. Again, through Scripture reading and prayer I want this to be evident. With that being said, I recently read Justin's post again and printed it out to give to a member of mine. I knew he was able to do good work with things like this, but wasn't sure how it would go. Today, around 3:00 PM, he called me to ask if he could come by the office for a minute. I was about to head out, but he stated it would only take a minute or two so I said okay. When he arrived, he surprised me with this prayer bench. I was amazed that he took the pictures and the dimensions, and built me a place where I can pray.

You may not need a bench like this, but I hope you have a place or at least a plan to pray. We are completely dependent upon Him whether we realize it or not. I look forward to using this to pursue Christ and to plead with Him because apart from Him I am nothing.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Continuation of the Gospel

I've picked up and started working through (again) Steven Smallman's The Walk. I hope to use this book to help others along the way, but I was freshly reminded of the importance of the gospel for the disciple to continue to grow in Christ. He writes, "Do you want to become Jesus' disciple? Repent, believe the gospel, and follow Jesus. Do you want to grow stronger as a disciple of Jesus? Repent, believe the gospel, and follow Jesus."

The gospel is every bit as applicable for the believer as for the unbeliever!