Monday, February 14, 2011

The Call to Fish and to Follow

Yesterday morning I preached a message from Luke 5:1-11 (you can listen here). I was extremely pumped to preach yesterday morning. The few days leading up to Sunday I was able to let the message soak into my brain as I had completed my sermon work on Thursday morning. It was great. It had me excited. As I concluded the message I prayed that the Lord may use our time together yesterday as a changing point in our congregation. I certainly do not mean that all things are bad, or that everything needs to change, but I do believe we can always do more. We can always become more like Christ. As I preached on the passage, I stated that I think Jesus was giving a live illustration of how the kingdom would grow. He told Simon to cast his net into the sea and the nets filled up and began to tear. Simon called for his partners to come over as well. They caught so many fish that both boats began to sink. So I concluded that we need to cast our nets into the sea of this world and trust that Jesus would fill them up with disciples (based on the fact that Jesus told Simon Peter that he would become a catcher of men).

For my few readers out there, would you pray for Cypress Lake Baptist Church? We had many visitors yesterday (probably 10-15 first time visitors!) and we want to be used by God to reach them and help them become devoted followers of Christ. In fact, yesterday was the largest gathering we've had since I came almost 6 months ago. This was great, but we do not simply want more numbers. We want to reach Fort Myers and the surrounding area so that they follow Christ. We want to be those few followers whom God may use to multiply His kingdom by drawing many others to submit their lives to Christ.

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