Monday, June 30, 2008

Physical Death to Life is Meant to Demonstrate Spiritual Death to Life

Yesterday morning I was able to preach at Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist Church. I am not sure if the audio will be available or not, but I did want to draw out my conclusion here. My final point of application was that "Physical Death to Life is Meant to Demonstrate Spiritual Death to Life." Here is my point. When Jesus went into Nain in Luke 7, He demonstrated His power and authority over life and death. In His own mercy and compassion He chose to raise this widow's only son to life. This is amazing! However, this is only a picture of something more amazing. When someone is born again, it is even more amazing (and costly) than this miracle. Let me try to explain quickly. Ephesians 2 makes it abundantly clear that we are all dead in our trespasses and sins. It goes on to say that in God's mercy He made us alive together with Christ. So in truth, when we come to faith in Christ we are raised from death to life. However, when someone is raised from death to life physically (which the gospels have 3 accounts of from Jesus), it does not guarantee eternal life. There is no guarantee of forgiveness. There is no promise of God. For someone to be raised to life spiritually, Jesus had to die. As Hebrews 9:22 says, "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." So it was far more costly for Jesus to raise people who are dead in their trespasses and sins than it was for Him to raise people physically. This is also far more amazing. When one is born again by the Spirit (again, His own sovereign choice), there is the promise of forgiveness and eternal life and the reward of being in the gracious presence of God forever. So physical death to life is great, but it is meant to show us that power of Christ who is able to do far more by giving people eternal life through His shed blood on the cross for sinners. He is truly a very compassionate Savior!


BillyB said...

I'm not so sure about your premise there. Physical death to life in the Bible merely pointed people to God, the One whom Jesus and the disciples prayed to for the miracles.

Physical death to life was not a new life, but a continuation of the old life. These people all died again. Which is what you pointed out.

Spiritual death to life is entirely different. We are new creatures, created for works that God has for us. New life spiritually is eternal.

Baptism, on the otherhand, does demonstrate spiritual death to life. We are buried with Christ is His death, and raised to walk in the newness of life eternal.

Whenever a person is baptised, God is glorified in the Son and this miracle points others to Christ.

Pastor Randy said...

I think maybe you missed my point. My point was that it was only a shadow of what happens when someone is born-again. Spiritual rebirth is even more spectacular. That was my point.

BillyB said...

oh, hehe, i'm not the brightest bulb in tha lamp

Pastor Randy said...

That's okay brother, it's easy to do. I just wanted to make sure I was clear on my point.