Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Two Excellent Posts by Joe Thorn

A few years ago my wife and I had been praying about church planting and I really started thinking we may pack up and move to Chicago. However, I didn't know what to expect in Chicago, nor did I have any idea where to start if indeed that is where the Lord would lead us. I had heard the name, Joe Thorn, before, so I contacted him. I actually contacted him for two reasons. The first reason was that he is in the Chicago area and I felt he would be a great person to contact. He was very helpful. The second reason was because he had lost a lot of weight was running often. I wanted to be encouraged in that area as well. I was!

With that being said, I certainly can't claim to be a 'friend' of his. I know him through twitter and Facebook and blogging, but that's about it. The Lord didn't lead me to Chicago, and we haven't kept in touch really. I also didn't take his advice on running (until more recently).

Yesterday he wrote a blog post entitled "Rebuilding a Healthy Schedule" that was excellent. I'm always looking for thoughts and ways to honor my marriage, my children, my work schedule for my church, and anything else I can. The reason is that all of these are rooted in my desire to honor Christ. I highly recommend you read and apply what you can from this post.

Today he posted another excellent post. Several years ago I purchased The Valley of Vision and have been extremely thankful that I have. In fact, I have it sitting at my prayer bench as one of the things I read as I begin praying. Joe has put together a schedule to help increase your prayer life. You can read about it here. This post is another one I highly recommend.

Both of these subjects are greatly needed in my life, and I am sure in the lives of many others. Thank you, Joe, for posting these!

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