Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday's Question

I thought it would be good to try to get some thoughts from you, so I've decided to ask a question every Friday about your week. This week's question is:
What have you learned about God this week?
Given the fact that many people have just started a new Bible reading schedule, that would be particularly helpful. I'm looking forward to your answers.


Anonymous said...

Does being reminded about something count? I am preaching on Mark 3:1-6 this Sunday at my church and having a great time preaching through this gospel. I have been reminded this week that there are certain kinds of religion that really make Jesus angry. One of those is religion that ignores the needs of others for the sake of religion. This happens when the Pharisees get all bent out of shape after Jesus comes to Church (the synagogue) and heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath. The Pharisees' attitude was, "Dude, what the heck are you doing? You can't do that! We are trying to have church up in here!" Jesus, we are told by Mark, looked at them with anger. Something I was reminded of that we should remember when we place our religion on a pedestal that we forget to glorify God by spreading a passion for Jesus in others. One way that this manifests itself is in mercy ministry. This, the Pharisees did not get. Well, I'll stop now.


Pastor Randy said...

Yes, it absolutely does count. I am often reminded afresh of things that I knew before. God is very gracious like that. Thanks for commenting.

Anonymous said...

I do not know if there will be enough room for what God has been teaching me this week. I have learned that He does indeed care for His people and he cares about the smallest details. I have been in need of a new vehicle for some time. We have been praying for about 2 years. When we first started talking about cars I said I want a red car with a sunroof...I know that sounds silly. But this week someone blessed us by GIVING us a vehicle (that taught me that God does INDEED answer the prayers of His people) and you will not believe it when I tell you they gave us a red Honda Oydessy with a sunroof! I have NEVER seen a mini van with a sunroof have you? God is indeed good!
I am going through quite the health crisis at the moment as well with countless doctor's visits, medical tests, bills and physical discomfort and I am learning to love and trust Him in ways that I never have before. from paying the overwhelming doctor bills, to being patient (not a word normally associated with Jiggy) and enduring more physically and emotionally than I think I can bear...that is just it...when I end He begins. He begins to remind me in so many ways that He has a plan and a purpose in the pain and the suffering and that in the midst of that refining it is when He is best reflected. So yeah, I am learning alot these days.

Dwayne Forehand said...

I've learned (re-learned) this week that he is faithful, he is always willing to supply us, always.

Pastor Randy said...


I know the Lord has taken you through much. In the midst of the trial the last thing you want to be told is to count it all joy (James 1:2). However, I can promise you that God is conforming you to the image of Christ. Trust in Him. Persevere and God will complete what He's begun in you.


Thank you for the comment and the great reminder that God is faithful, for He cannot deny Himself!

BoldLion said...

I know that He is teaching me daily to put my trust in Him especially with the job I have. He knows the money matter and how much I need to have to live on. Also know that I need full time job with overtime. He had blessed me this week with a bit of overtime. The Lord is so good!

I am still doing Daily Bible Reading and still am learning something that haven't caught my attention before, and it is new to me daily.

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

Pastor Randy said...


Thanks for commenting. God is certainly in control and absolutely knows what you need before you need. He'll continue to lead you and teach you. I'll continue to pray for you.