Monday, August 17, 2009

What do you look For?

I would like some input from as many people as possible about this question: What do you look for in a church? Please comment for me. I am thinking through what the Bible says about the church, but would also like to hear from people what they think the church should be/do. So please help me, what do you look for in a church?

Update: I'd like to hear from both those who attend church and those who do not.


janas4gvn said...

First of all it should be a church that preaches the word. The has friendly people who love the Lord, Good music that is doctrine and theologically sound. Discipleship classes to grow in the Word. A man of God as the pastor!

BoldLion said...

1) The Word should be preaching!
2) Music should be Christ-center and not performance but should be congregational.
3) When there is everyone who is hungry to eat His Word. (Jer. 15:16)
4) When there is encouragement with one another and building one another up for Christ.
5) Care Group to talk about what they learned during the sermon. I love this one the most of all. It is amazing how much we learned.
6) Praying for one another.
7) There is a lot of godly way that we all look for.
8) Bible Study group

Get Mark Dever's book about 9 Marks of a Health Church. This should help your church.

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

Thomas Clay said...

I concur with what has already been commented along with:

1. I would want to know what that church means by "The Word". In other words, are they striving to preach what God has said in His Word and not that they trying to use the scriptures to say what they want to say
2. Maybe not in perfection, but humbly striving to follow Matt. 18:15-20 and Titus 3:10-11
3. Passionately striving to obey the Great Commission

Farrah Baird said...

I looked for a church:
-That preaches from the Bible, as it was intended.
-Whose pastor makes the teachings relevant to today's life. To my life. And is encouraging, not all hellfire and brimstone.
-Whose pastor is humble, one of the congregation, admitting/sharing his short-comings, showing real emotion, involved in the everyday things of the church.
-Whose praise and worship is lively and current and gets your heart pumping and tears flowing.
-That supports my growth in the Christ, with sermons, classes, small groups, settings for real sharing and growing and learning.
-Puts real stock in growing my child in Christ through fun, learning activities.
-That cares as much about the global church as it does about itself, ministering not only to our congregation but also to Africans, Haitians, inner city Philadelphians, and anyone else in need.
-That separates the sin from the sinner. No one sin should be judged worse than another and the sinner cast out of the church.

Pastor Randy said...

Thanks all. We have the church represented on here :). Of course I wouldn't argue with the primacy of the Word and I would agree that the church is where there is preaching of the Word and observance of the sacraments. I'd love to hear what unbelievers/unchurched thought.